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Graduation Requirements: Although pathway requirements are specific, all students must obtain the following core credits:
Graduation Requirements (26 credits total required):
Core Class Credits
English 4
Math 4
Science 3
Social Studies 3
Lifetime Wellness 1
Additional PE credit .5
Fine Art 1
Personal Finance .5
Elective Focus 3
For additional comments or questions, contact administration or the guidance department.
Grade Level Classification: The total number of credits required to move to the next grade level are as follows:









Grading System: Conduct grades shall be based upon criteria developed within each school and shall be: E - Excellent S - Satisfactory U – Unsatisfactory
In grades 1-12, the following scale is used:
93 – 100 A
85 – 92 B
75 – 84 C
70 – 74 D
0 – 69 F
TNReady/EOC grades have a percentage impact on final grades as required in state law.
Class Ranking: Grade Point Averages (GPA’s) will be computed based on the Robertson County Board of Education policy. A complete copy of GPA and Class Rank procedure is available in the Guidance Office.
Report Cards: Student achievement is reported every 9 weeks of the school year. This written report contains attendance information as well as the academic
progress in each class.
Progress Reports: Students are given progress reports at approximately the 4½ week point of the 9 week grading period. In addition to academic progress, these reports may contain information regarding student attendance and/or behavior.
Textbooks: Most classes will assign students at least one textbook during enrollment in that class. Students are responsible for maintaining each textbook in good condition and returning all books when finished. Students will be accessed a fee for damaged textbooks and replacement cost for lost books. (Fees and replacement costs are specific for each title.)
Transcripts: Transcripts may be obtained in the guidance office. Students will need to fill out the appropriate transcript request form. Ample time is needed by the guidance office to prepare official transcripts. After students graduate, they must request the transcript from the district office.
NCAA Clearing House: Any student planning on participating in college athletics must be eligible and “cleared” through the NCAA Clearing House. Please check with Guidance regarding this process.
Guidance Services: The guidance office is located on the 100 hall and is available to students throughout the school day. Any student needing assistance from guidance must obtain a hall pass from the classroom teacher.
Library Services: The library is accessible from both the 100 and 200 halls. The library is open all day. During class time, any student wishing to access the library must obtain an appropriate library pass from the classroom teacher and must sign in upon entrance to the library.