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District Attendance Expectations

Regular attendance is key to academic success. Our goal is to ensure every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential by attending school every day. Consistent attendance not only helps students stay engaged with their learning but also fosters a strong school community.

We expect all students to attend school daily and arrive on time, ready to learn. Absences, whether excused or unexcused, can impact a student's progress. Therefore, we encourage families to prioritize their child's attendance and to schedule appointments or family vacations outside of school hours whenever possible.

Our district offers support for families facing challenges that may affect attendance. If you need assistance, please reach out to your school’s administration so we can work together to ensure your child’s success.

For more details on our attendance policy, please visit our district site or contact the school directly.

Note: Principal discretion for documented emergencies or absence.

Tardies to school or class 6th - 12th Grade

tardies reset at the beginning of each semester.
5 Tardies
3 day detention
Lunch or after school.
5 day detention
Lunch or after school.
10 Tardies
1 day ISS
In school suspension.
Request parent meeting.
15 Tardies
2 day ISS
In school suspension.
20 Tardies
3 day ISS
In school suspension.
Loss of prom and other extracurricular activities.
No participation in athletic/extracurricular activities.
Put on warning in writing that 5 more tardies will result in loss of prom and other extracurricular activities.
25 Tardies
Loss of prom and other extracurricular activities.


10 or more unexcused absences in the school year
3 day detention
loss of prom privilege, and driving privileges revoked.
15 or more absences in the school year
5 day detention
unexcused absences, removal from team roster.
25 or more unexcused absences in the school year
1 day ISS
loss of the privilege to participate in graduation.
Kindergarten through 8th Grade Students
Students in grades K-8 will be allowed up to 3 parent notes that address up to 5 days total absences and must have doctor’s notes for all other absences after those 5 days per semester.
9th through 12 Grade
Students in grades 9-12 will be allowed up to 2 parent notes a semester or 4 for the school year.

Extracurricular Activities

principal discretion for documented emergencies or absence
Coaches/Club Advisor/Band Director will have standards for practice/game attendance. These standards shall be explained annually at the parent meeting before the season starts.
Students must be at school and counted present for that day (present for at least ½ of the day) to participate in extracurricular activities and athletic contest/practice that afternoon/evening/weekend.
Any student who has outside school suspension (OSS) cannot practice/participate in athletic practice/contest and/or extracurricular activities that afternoon/evening/weekend.


Student attendance is especially important. Attendance is mandatory in the state of Tennessee until the age of 18.  Attendance issues at GHS are handled by the Attendance Office, located at the entry of the 300 hall.
A student absent the previous day must present a note from the parent/guardian to the attendance office before the school day begins.  An admission slip to class will be issued and must be signed by all the student’s classroom teachers. 
Vacation/Non-School Related Field Trips
Students must submit parent note three days prior to absences for vacation or any non-related school field trip(s).  This note must be signed by an administrator and given to the attendance office three days prior to absence(s).   Parents and other organizations are encouraged to observe the approved school calendar in planning personal trips.
Absences during Exams
Board policy states all students must take exams DURING assigned exam time.  No excused absences will be permitted without prior written administrator approval.   Makeup times for exams will be arranged with teacher and student at the beginning of the grading period.  GHS strongly encourages parents to avoid early dismissal on exam days. 
Students who have not entered their 1st block class before 8:00 AM must sign in at the front lobby during tardy sweep for attendance purposes.  These students are required to complete a writing assignment before receiving permission to go to their 1st block class.
Students who do not enter their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th block classroom before the tardy bell sounds will be required to report to a designated room and receive a slip to return to class.
Early Dismissals
Students leaving early must provide a note from home to the attendance office by 7:55 AM. A student should report to the nurse if he/she becomes ill during the school day. The nurse will then determine if the student is too ill to remain at school.  A parent/guardian will be notified by nurse if early dismissal is required.  A parent will then be expected to come to the attendance office to sign the student out, or the parent/guardian must speak with an administrator or the school nurse by phone to authorize the student to leave.  Students leaving without the approval or knowledge of the school are subject to suspension.  Students are required to use school phones with school personnel to contact parents due to illnesses.   If a school phone is not used, violation of cell phone policy will apply.  Students with unexcused early dismissals are subject to ISS. Parents are strongly encouraged to check out students from school only between classes so as not to disrupt the learning environment for the child as well as others.  GHS strongly encourages avoiding early dismissals during exams.
Student Driver’s License (T.C.A. 49 - 6 - 3017)
Notice will be sent to the Department of Safety on the proper form of any student who fails to meet the attendance and academic qualifications for a driver’s license.
Attendance: A student must not accumulate 10 consecutive days absence or 15 cumulative unexcused absences per semester.  For the purpose of this law, suspensions shall not be counted as unexcused absences.
A copy of the notice will be sent to the Office of Student Services when action is taken and at the close of school for students who will be ineligible through the summer.
To regain eligibility, a student must:
1) Attend school 30 days without an unexcused absence
2) Meet academic standards by earning 2 credits at the end of a semester or its equivalent (passing 4 subjects at the end of a 9-week grading period).
Summer school credits may be used to meet academic requirements but cannot be used to meet attendance requirements.
When it has been determined that a student has regained eligibility, the school shall notify the Department of Safety on the appropriate form.
On second or subsequent violations of eligibility, the suspension of privileges may, at the discretion of the State of Tennessee, be removed until age 18.